Athletics and Physical Education

尽管波士顿大学学院的学生一天中的大部分时间都花在脑力体操上, it is important to exercise the body as well as the mind.

北航的运动和体育课程为学生提供了到户外活动的机会, stretch their legs, and blow off some steam at the end of a long day of Sophocles and cosines. 无论技能水平、经验或能力如何,每个bbin娱乐平台学生都有一个团队或活动. Compete against local schools’ hoops teams on the hardwoods, lunge and parry in a fencing match, or ply the Charles River in a sailboat or crew shell. 就像我们在学院大楼和波士顿大学提供的课程目录一样, 北航的学生享受着一系列令人难以置信的运动和健身机会. 

北航的校际团队和俱乐部运动帮助学生学习团队合作和竞争的价值, and our athletes utilize BU’s top-notch facilities. Physical education offerings through our partnership with BU’s 270,占地5000平方英尺的健身和娱乐中心(FitRec)为九年级和十年级的学生提供了尝试各种活动的机会,从空中舞蹈到尊巴舞. 波士顿大学学院的田径和体育帮助学生过上健康的生活方式, develop new skills, and identify life-long pursuits that will complement their active minds. 

Athletic Teams 


Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports


Learn more about the Physical Education Program at bbin娱乐平台.